Fraud & Security

SAFE's financial safety guides can help you to more easily recognize and prevent fraudulent activity.

In an age where cybersecurity breaches and cases of identity theft are routine, it pays to have SAFE Federal Credit Union on your side. 

Our comprehensive financial safety guides—on subjects ranging from ATM security to credit card alerts—cultivate responsible behavior both on and offline and diminish the likelihood of fraudulent activity or theft occurring in relation to your account. 

On the SAFE website, all users are welcome to utilize our financial safety guides. Explore a variety of topics, including: 

Online Banking & Security Information

Ditch the Pitch: A Guide for Guarding Against Scams

The South Carolina Department of Consumer Affairs is committed to educating consumers like you about the evolving ways scammers are perpetrating financial crimes. Check out their guide to guarding against scams. It's free to download and full of tips to stay ahead of fraudsters!

Stop fraud. Not the fun!

Fraud can happen to any one at any time, but that's no reason to worry! SAFE's automated fraud alerts bring advanced protection to your debit and credit cards—all from the palm of your hand. 

Report fraudulent or suspicious activity. 

If you suspect that you may have been the victim of identity theft, or if you notice any kind of fraudulent or unusual activity on your account or bank statement, reach out to SAFE immediately by: 

Contact Us

Additional Fraud Resources

If you are a consumer with account or loan concerns related to fraudulent insider activities, please contact the NCUA's Consumer Assistance Center.

You may also submit anonymous tips about fraudulent, or potentially fraudulent situations by: